wienerberger podcast - hosted by CEO Heimo Scheuch
Heimo Scheuch, CEO of wienerberger, provides you with the latest updates from #wienerberger. As a leading international provider of innovative, ecological solutions for the entire building envelope, in the fields of new buildings and renovations, as well as infrastructure in water and energy management, we take responsibility for improving people's quality of life and shaping the future of construction. Stay informed & be part of the #worldofwienerberger.
wienerberger podcast - hosted by CEO Heimo Scheuch
Heimo Scheuch Podcast Episode #17: Sustainable Finance with Christoph Boschan
Energiebörse, Finanzmärkte, nachhaltige Finanzierung – das sind nur einige Themen, die Christoph Boschan, CEO der Wiener Börse und ich in meinem neuen Podcast diskutiert haben.
Energy exchange, financial markets, sustainable financing – just a few of the topics I discussed with Christoph Boschan, CEO of the Vienna Stock Exchange, in my new podcast.
- Follow Heimo Scheuch on Instagram: instagram.com/heimoscheuch
- Visit our Corporate Website: wienerberger.com
- Follow us on Twitter: twitter.com/wienerberger
- Follow us on Linkedin: linkedin.com/company/wienerberger