wienerberger podcast - hosted by CEO Heimo Scheuch
Heimo Scheuch, CEO of wienerberger, provides you with the latest updates from #wienerberger. As a leading international provider of innovative, ecological solutions for the entire building envelope, in the fields of new buildings and renovations, as well as infrastructure in water and energy management, we take responsibility for improving people's quality of life and shaping the future of construction. Stay informed & be part of the #worldofwienerberger.
38 episodes
wienerberger Podcast #38 | Creating Art in a world of Disruption
In this episode, wienerberger CEO Heimo Scheuch talks with award-winning artist and filmmaker Ali Cherri about the significance of clay in his work and how this material raises questions about identity, history, and transformation.
Season 1
Episode 38

Ist Österreich zukunftsfähig? Heimo Scheuch & Josef Muchitsch im wienerberger podcast #36
Ist Österreich als Industriestandort zukunftsfähig? Wie sichern wir unsere Wettbewerbsfähigkeit? Im aktuellen Podcast diskutieren Heimo Scheuch und Josef Muchitsch die Sicherung der Wettbewerbsfähigkeit durch klimaneutrales Wirtschaften und dig...
Season 1
Episode 36
Über die Wichtigkeit von Journalismus als Teil der Demokratie | wienerberger podcast #35 mit Heimo Scheuch & Florian Klenk
Gast: Florian Klenk, Journalist und Chefredakteur des FALTERIm 35. wienerberger Podcast diskutieren wienerberger CEO Heimo Scheuch und Journalist und Chefredakteur des FALTER Florian Klenk die W...
Season 1
Episode 35

Wirtschaftsskandale und Korruption – Herrscht noch Respekt und Vertrauen im Geschäftsleben und in der Politik? | Heimo Scheuch Podcast #34 mit Andreas Treichl
Herrscht noch Vertrauen und Respekt in der österreichischen Politik? In Episode 34 des wienerberger Podcasts diskutieren Heimo Scheuch und Gast Andreas Treichl Vertrauen in Politik und Wirtschaft, Korruption, Herausforderungen in Europa, und di...
Season 1
Episode 34
Österreich & Europa wählen – 2 glühende Europäer im Gespräch über das Superwahljahr 2024 | Heimo Scheuch Podcast #33 mit Sepp Schellhorn
Wohin entwickelt sich unsere Gesellschaft und wohin unsere Politik? Steht Österreichs Politik still? Welche Folgen hat der Ausgang der Europawahl und wieso ist es eigentlich wichtig, seine Stimme abzugeben? In der 33. Folge seines Podcasts disk...
Season 1
Episode 33
A candid discussion about #circulareconomy | Heimo Scheuch Podcast #32 with Julika Dittrich
In episode 32 of his podcast, Heimo Scheuch & Julika Dittrich, founder and owner of Pathway Consulting & a qualified multilingual international lawyer, researcher and policy analyst specialis...
Season 1
Episode 32
Heimo Scheuch Podcast #31 | A discussion with Eila Kreivi about navigating Europe's Green Transition
Guest: Eila Kreivi, Chief Sustainable Finance Advisor & Director and Head of Capital Markets at the European Investment Bank The issue of energy security is crucial today as the world faces complex challenges affecting both the...
Season 1
Episode 31

Can housing be built affordably? | Heimo Scheuch Podcast #30 with architect & professor Dietmar Eberle

Climate Activism, Politics & Industry - Are We on the Right Path in the Fight Against Climate Change? | Heimo Scheuch Podcast Episode #29
Der Klimawandel ist eine der größten Herausforderungen des 21. Jahrhunderts. Umso wichtiger ist die Forschung und Aufklärung über die Ursachen und Maßnahmen, die getroffen werden müssen, um ihn zu verlangsamen. In der 29. Folge des Heimo Scheuc...
Season 1
Episode 29

Heimo Scheuch Podcast Episode #27: What are the impacts of the high inflation in Europe on our economy?
Season 1
Episode 27

Heimo Scheuch Podcast Episode #26: Can Social Housing be sustainable and affordable?
In episode 26 of the Podcast, Wienerberger CEO Heimo Scheuch invited award winning architect and professor Anupama Kundoo to discuss if social housing housing can be sustainable and affordable.
Season 1
Episode 26

The Greta Generation and the Phenomenon of Moral Authority | Heimo Scheuch Podcast Episode #25
Climate protests around the world are currently making headlines. It is the young who are courageously leading these protests and yet they are often just laughed at by society. What does this do psychologically to the youth and thus to the lead...
Season 1
Episode 25

Heimo Scheuch Podcast Episode #24: Strategic realignment with guest Georg Wailand
In 1996 Wienerberger an Austrian brick producer entered the American market, a challenge for an Austrian company. Years later this company, Wienerberger, is by far the largest supplier of façade bricks and other products in the USA and in Canad...
Season 1
Episode 24

Heimo Scheuch Podcast Episode #23: ESG with Klaus Umek
25 years ago Klaus Umek started his career as an investment banker at Goldman Sachs. One of his first transactions was Wienerberger Koramic. Today and 25 years later, he is still invested in Wienerberger. Heimo Scheuch invited Klaus Umek for th...
Season 1
Episode 23

Heimo Scheuch Podcast Episode #22: CEO Ask me anything, Part 3/3 - Business & Future Challenges
What happens to the world’s largest producer of bricks when there is no more clay left? What would you ask a CEO of a global company with around 19.000 employees? Heimo Scheuch invited his community for a Q&A. In this episode you will find ...
Season 1
Episode 22

Heimo Scheuch Podcast Episode #21: CEO Ask me anything, Part 2/3 - Culture and Diversity at Wienerberger
What would you ask a CEO of a global company with around 19.000 employees? Heimo Scheuch invited his community for a Q&A. In this episode you will find out which advice he would give his 30 year-old-self advice, discover Wienerberger's appr...
Season 1
Episode 21

Heimo Scheuch Podcast Episode #20: CEO Ask me anything, Part 1/3 - Work-Life-Balance
What would you ask a CEO of a global company with around 19.000 employees? Heimo Scheuch invited his community for a Q&A. In this episode you will find out what he eats for breakfast, which philosophers his cats are named after and what he ...
Season 1
Episode 20

Heimo Scheuch Podcast Episode #19: Share Buyback Program
Short update on Wienerberger's current performance and the status of its share buyback program: 2022 has been turbulent and marked by incredible geopolitical instability, by high inflation due to the difficult supply chains, energy shortage and...
Season 1
Episode 19

Heimo Scheuch Podcast Episode #18: Culture, Art and Architecture connect with Matthias Naske
We are living in instable times. Things are changing around us and culture plays a more and more important role, especially in communication. In this episode Matthias Naske, the director of the Wiener Konzerthaus and Wienerberger CEO Heim...
Season 1
Episode 18

Heimo Scheuch Podcast Episode #17: Sustainable Finance with Christoph Boschan
Energiebörse, Finanzmärkte, nachhaltige Finanzierung – das sind nur einige Themen, die Christoph Boschan, CEO der Wiener Börse und ich in meinem neuen Podcast diskutiert haben. Energy exchange, financial markets, sustainable financ...
Episode 17

Heimo Scheuch Podcast Episode #16: Sustainable Architecture with Tina Gregoric
Densification of cities, urban heat islands and the lack of water – these are just a few of the challenges cities of the future are facing. In this episode, I had the pleasure to discuss those hot topics together with Tina Gregoric...
Episode 16

Heimo Scheuch Podcast Episode #15: Habitat for Humanity with Rick Hathaway
In my new episode I had the pleasure to talk to Rick Hathaway from Habitat for Humanity. Together we help families around the world, to offer socially disadvantaged people a place they can call home, and to improve their living conditions. ...
Episode 15

Heimo Scheuch Podcast Episode #14: Smart Cities mit Sabine Knierbein (German only)
German Edition!Welche Rolle spielt die Digitalisierung für die Urbanisierung? Neigt sich das Jahrhundert der Städte seinem Ende zu? Wie sieht die Stadt der Zukunft aus?In der neuen Folge meines Podcast durfte ich mich mit Professori...
Episode 14